Estimation and Selection for High-Order Markov Chains with Bayesian Mixture Transition Distribution Models
Heiner, M. and Kottas, A. (2021), Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics.
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Autoregressive Density Modeling with the Gaussian Process Mixture Transition Distribution
Heiner, M. and Kottas, A. (2021), Journal of Time Series Analysis.
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Structured priors for sparse probability vectors with application to model selection in Markov chains
Heiner, M., Kottas, A., and Munch, S. (2019), Statistics and Computing, 29.
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Modeling the offensive-defensive interaction and resulting outcomes in basketball
Lamas, L., Santana, F., Heiner, M., Ugrinowitsch, C., and Fellingham, G. (2015), PloS one, 10, e0144435.
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Skill importance in women’s soccer
Heiner, M., Fellingham, G., and Thomas, C. (2014), Journal of Quantitative Analysis in Sports, 10, 287-302.
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Bayesian Nonparametric Density Autoregression with Lag Selection
Heiner, M. and Kottas, A. (2021+), arXiv preprint arXiv:.
Model-based Clustering of Trends and Cycles of Nitrate Concentrations in Rivers Across France
Heiner, M., Heaton, M., Abbott, B., White, P., Minaudo, C., Dupas, R. (2021+).
Multivariate Receptor Modeling with Widely Dispersed Lichens as Bioindicators of Air Quality
Heiner, M., Grimm, T., Smith, H., Leavitt, S., Christensen, W., Carling, G., St. Clair, L. (2021+).
Trophic interactions, climate change and secondary wildfire interact to control soil water availability after wildfire
Gilman, J., Gill, R., Heiner, M., Hansen, N., (2021+).